
「大盛りラーメン」(for project)


My favorite Japanese Dish is Ramen with Oomori Noodles. I began eating it when I went to Japan for a global seminar. My classmates took me to a local Ramen shop where I ordered a standard bowl of noodles. The soup and its seasoning tasted magnificent and it came with pieces of beef and two boiled eggs, on the side was a plate of cold noodles which I dipped into the soup and eat. Enjoying myself, a tipsy Japanese salary-man named Kentaro suggested that I try Oomori. SO the next time I had Oomori!! I still remember the excitement/ horror when I received my order. The bowl of soup was the same, but next to it on a plate was a mountain of long and thick noodles. I wolfed it down, half afraid that my stomach would burst. I could not go to a raman soup without ordering oomori ever since.



1 件のコメント:

  1. 僕も同じような経験があるんだ。今年の夏僕はある日本語プログラムを参加しに北海道の函館に行った。函館の「函太郎」という一番有名な回転すしやで食事していた時、知らない土地の人と出会って、おいしいおすしのおすすめをもらった。レストランはやっぱり外国の文に慣れるため最高の場所だね。
